The 20% of Life

I don’t know how often life interrupts life but it seems to happen to me all the time. I like to think I have at least 20% of my life under control but the rest of life almost always takes the 20% and flips it on its head. This isn’t a bad thing but I am constantly battling my desire to remain in control of the 20%.
Why isn’t it a bad thing? Well, mostly it’s because God’s plan is much better than my plan (even when I’m disagreeing with God) because the surprise of life shows me a new and different way to serve God, obey God and carry my cross with God in a productive and life-giving manner.

God’s plan v my plan
It all begins with the call last week calling me to Idaho for a funeral. My plan was to celebrate with Mauna my older sister for her birthday with family. God’s plan was to celebrate the funeral of my Uncle. What was the blessing? First, was the blessing of the air flight. I had planned to read a specific book but in my rush to get out of the house (I’m a last minute packer) it remained sitting in my room, I found another book in my computer bag, Bishop Robert Barron’s book “The Strangest Way”. It has been sitting in the bag so long I had forgotten I had it…but being given the time to read it was truly a little blessing from God. Then there was the flight from Seattle to Boise. As I settled into my seat and pulled out the above mentioned book I heard in the seats behind me the beginning of a conversation. I really didn’t eaves drop but hearing the two passengers who met on the plane carry on a conversation for the totality of the flight (90 minutes) was uplifting because normally the experience on planes was what I was doing…reading…to my right a person playing video games, to the left someone working on the computer and to the far left another watching a movie on a tablet…in other words…no interaction. This may sound weird but it was a moment of grace two connecting and sharing life. The next gift was because of one funeral (my Uncle’s) I was able to be at the funeral of my Aunt Anne and see many cousins and share stories and time together, truly priceless. At both funerals I was able to hear words of life and love and of the histories that slip away with time but are remembered when two or three are gathered in His name.
And the 20% that would have been the wonderful celebration with my sister and her family, and I truly was saddened by missing this time with family by trusting in God goodness and in prayer being able to open my heart to these moments, the blessings kept rolling in more and more. I chose to stay a few days with my brother after the funeral, sharing a good beer with him and my sister, some early morning walks, celebrating Mass with the community, a breakfast with my high school math teacher, visiting an elderly childhood neighbor in the hospital were all small moments of God’s generosity. Of course having a conversation with my Mom with the ultimate blessing of hearing from her that my godson George and his wife Rachel announced there would be a new addition to the family this spring was the icing on the cake….
But there was one more gift to be shared…on the flight home as I sat waiting for my flight from Seattle to San Jose I looked up and say Fr. Joseph Benedict, the pastor of our Cathedral Parish, walking through the airport. After greeting each other we sat down for a wonderful chat…as they called our flight to board I asked what seat he had? He responded 32D…me 32E. Coincidence…nope…God-incidence.
God’s plan is always better than mine.
God bless,
Fr. Mark

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