Fellow Workers…thank you

“The laity are called to participate actively in the whole life of the Church; not only are they to animate the world with the spirit of Christianity but they are to be witnesses to Christ in all circumstances and at the very heart of the community of mankind.” (Gaudium et Spes #43)

The above quote from the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World from the Second Vatican Council reminds us of the important and vital role each of us has in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are brought back to the very beginning of the Church and the call to holiness in the very first disciples as they went out into the world to proclaim the reality of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God.
I am reminded of this because we, at St. Lucy Parish this weekend, will be thanking the lay men and women who serve the church in the multitude of ministries that we share. Some of these ministries are very visible while others are almost hidden in the quiet but life giving work they do among God’s holy people. It is the gift of sharing their time, talent and treasure helping to build the kingdom of God, one living stone at a time.
The invitation to service is always at the foundation of our Christian life because it is the words and example Jesus has shared with us when he tells us, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mk 10:45)
We know two very important things about service: first, we are happier when we choose to serve and second, when we choose to serve we desire to serve more. This is how God has made our hearts, to serve others in love.
It is “in love” that the service finds its depth and meaning. Love is the freely given choice to serve. “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (Jn 15:15)
Jesus invites us into a friendship of love as we are called to care for each other and yes, because we are the Body of Christ, to care for and serve within the our local church. It is in the foundation of the family where this duty is fostered and grows. I can remember as a child the different chores and duties I and my sisters and brothers were asked to do around the house and on the farm. I know that I did not wake up each morning in my teenage years and think of milking the cows and feeding the different animals as an act of service and love…many mornings I thought of it as punishment…but looking back it is now clear the service of my family grew deeply within my heart impelling me to the service of others. Once more the Church reminds us:
“The Family is the place where different generations come together and help one another to grow wiser and harmonize the rights of individuals with the demands of social life; as such it constitutes the basis of society. Everyone therefore, who exercises an influence into community and in social groups should devote himself effectively to the welfare of marriage and the family.” (Gaudium et Spes #52) In other words, it is in the family where we learn to the service in love of the other.
When we choose to serve our local parish and the greater Catholic Church we choose a greater love where we enter into a relationship with, yes, Jesus, but just as importantly with the family that makes up the Body of Christ. When we choose to serve in love we take greater care of those around us and seek to bless and be blessed by the gifts we share and other share with us in our relationship of love with each other. We recognize, as I did from my service of chores in family, that our service of ministry deepens our connection and knowledge of the mission Jesus calls us to live.
Thank you for all who now serve within the many ministry of parish life…and a prayer for all who will serve tomorrow.
God bless
Fr. Mark

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