Words and Truth

“Words are powerful; never think they’re not. The gap between any word and what it describes is slider beyond measure—or it should be….Lies attack our perception of the world.” (p. 103-104)

God is so good. When we read the quote above we can remember the Word of God is in our hearts and should be on our tongue. Each word we speak should be one of bringing ourselves in closer union with God and with each other. The power of each word is the power to heal and bring peace. This is a truth even in the correction of neighbor or the calling out the hurt of society.
The Word of God is a Word of Love and as we hear in the Letter to the Hebrews it is “sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12) Truth is both liberating and painful. It is both joyous and troubling of heart when we stand against the lies of the world.
“Read will go on to say that the false “isms” of the world often look very similar to God’s call to follow him,, but they lie and bend and twist and distort little by little the true path and entrap the follower not in Love but in isolation and fear.
It is the 1% rule on the journey of life…if we begin our journey towards truth and life (God) and we take the 1% deviation, then by the end of the journey we may not be feet from our destination but hundreds of miles…but this is the gift of the “two-edged sword” of love and mercy…the correction of forgiveness, conversion, and truth turns us back to the true destination of our life. God.
In this we must be firm in our faith and in living and speaking our faith. as our Lord Jesus reminds us, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Mt 28:20)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” (Prov 18:21)

quotes from “Annunciation: A Call to Faith in a Broken World”, by Sally Read

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