Presence is the Best Present

Sometimes we can fall into the trap of becoming tasked orientated. That everything we do must have a definite and defined purpose and how we go about achieving the purpose becomes an objectified goal that must have a plan, timeline and end date. I often fall into this temptation.

Advent, in preparation for Christmas day, can fall into this task orientated routine very easily, from the celebrations we attend to the shopping we must do, to the planning of vacation for a few days of rest, it all can become more work and less peace that is the goal of Christmas day.

Peace, for all of us, is the discovering of true happiness and we contemplate something greater. The trick becomes discovering where the greater lies hidden in our lives. This discovery cannot be planed or mapped out, it cannot be tasked out or placed as an item on an agenda, it is found in a moment of discovery and awe that takes us out of routine and places us in the eternal. It is because the greater is often hidden in plain sight when we have “eyes to see and ears to hear” (Mt 13:16) and a heart to understand.

Happiness is searched for because we are not automatons that can simply be programed for happiness. Our desires change and how we communicate those desires to others changes too. No one asks for the same gift as a 25 year old that they asked for as a 5 year old. It is much the same way in our relationships, our sharing of love changes in the growing and deepening of relationships we have with friends, family, spouse, children and neighbor and yes, in our relationship with God. How we express and receive these acts of love in relationship change and grow and deepen with time and care both in prayer and in actions.

What is also true is the deeper our relationship of love becomes the greater the gift in the smallest things. We desire to give more out of love and choose to receive less. Our sharing of life and love pours out in the giftedness of life. And yet, knowing this we can often fall into a pattern of taking the love and the giftedness of life for granted where we loose the joy within the wants of daily concerns.

In this final week of Advent, these last days of preparation, we are invited to open our eyes in the search of the peace of true happiness grounded in our relationship to God. It is a reminder that presence in more important than any present in life. Being present to God, to family and to friends in the interchange of love is the true gift of peace. It is in this Jubilee Year of Mercy that we, in our presence of love to one another, become the embodiment of peace, love and mercy. Our presence doesn’t come with a plan, a task or an outcome. Our presence simply comes with the peace of Jesus Christ, born to us on Christmas day as we celebrate and sing out: Joy to the World.

God Bless

Fr. Mark

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